PETROPERÚ executes actions to reduce the risks in the ONP pipeline generated by rains in Bagua

Maintenance personnel from PETROPERÚ traveled to the province of Bagua to carry out field work at kilometer 484 + 170 of the North Peruvian Pipeline - ONP, in order to address the risks generated in the pipeline by landslides, registered in recent days in the jurisdiction of the La Libertad population center, in the Aramango district.
The landslide, which has put the pipeline at risk and keeps traffic on the Bagua - Saramiriza highway interrupted, occurred as a result of the heavy rains that are registered in the area, as well as the decrease in the level of the rivers and the still high level of the water table on the slopes, a situation that causes the soil to lose stability through which the ONP passes.
The maintenance staff of the state-owned company is in charge of installing plugs to support the pipeline, cleaning drains, construction of supports, among other priority actions to avoid serious consequences.
PETROPERÚ permanently develops maintenance work in areas of unstable terrain to protect the ONP, a critical national asset that runs through the regions of Loreto, Amazonas, Cajamarca, Lambayeque and Piura, transporting crude oil from the production fields of the Peruvian jungle to the Bayóvar Terminal located on the north coast of Peru.