PETROPERÚ evacuated workers due to threat of seizure of Station 1

Faced with the threat received from the Saramuro community of taking control of Station 1 of the North Peruvian Pipeline - ONP, in pursuit of a solution to their social demands, PETROPERÚ proceeded to evacuate all its workers and contractor personnel in order to safeguard their integrity.
As may be recalled, on November 13, a group of residents of the Saramuro community of the Urarinas district, Loreto region, approached Station 1, issuing a 72-hour notice to leave said facilities, after which they would proceed to take control of the Station. This as a measure of pressure because they consider that the State does not meet their demands for health services, education, etc.
Station 1 is neighboring the communities of Saramuro and Saramurillo, to which it provides, completely free of charge, electricity and water services; consequently, with this measure of force, the population will no longer have these basic services.
It is worth mentioning that this protest measure is similar to that adopted by those who have taken Station 5, since last October 4, a situation that has paralyzed the hydrocarbon industry in the Amazon with serious damage to the region and the country by stopping Count on the economic resources provided by the industry, taking into account that the North Peruvian Pipeline, considered a critical national asset, must regain the normal functioning of its hydrocarbon transport operations, a task that benefits all Peruvians.
Faced with this serious situation, PETROPERÚ once again urges the parties involved to continue betting on dialogue and invokes the population to desist from their measures of force, thus avoiding putting the integrity of people at risk.