PETROPERU disinfects the Talara fishing landing and markets

Being in the scenario of the third wave due to the increase in cases of COVID-19 contagions and the predominant presence of the Omicron variant in the city, PETROPERÚ has been carrying out the disinfection of the San Pedro Artisanal Fishing Landing, as well as the artisanal sailing boats and the supply centers of the city of Talara.
In this way, the State company, in coordination with the San Pedro Fishermen's Guild and the Public Services Sub-Management of the Municipality of Talara, has carried out, from January 14 to Thursday, January 20, the disinfection of the facilities of the San Pedro landing stage; of 300 artisanal sailing boats and that of the five main markets in the oil city (Mercado Modelo, Mercado de Talara Alta, Ex Serpetro, Acapulco and Central), thus disinfecting 1,650 permanent stalls, which is equivalent to more than 90,000 m2.
In these cleaning tasks, the DMQ broad-spectrum virucidal disinfectant has been applied, which allows to eliminate COVID-19, as well as other viruses, bacteria, fungi and microorganisms for a much longer time. Likewise, it can be applied on surfaces such as walls, ceilings and floors, as well as in the disinfection of equipment and utensils.
This initiative is part of the Local Development Support Program of the Community Relations Plan (PRC) of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT), thus contributing to the health care of fishermen and of the population during these times of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this way, PETROPERÚ consolidates its support in those areas where it maintains its operations and reinforces constant and coordinated work relations with its stakeholders in Talara.