
PETROPERU detects oil outcrop

PETROPERU detects oil outcrop

After the earthquake that occurred in the district of Lagunas, PETROPERU detected a minor outcrop of oil at Km. 95 of Section I of the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP), in the jurisdiction of the 6 de Julio community, very close to the epicenter of the earthquake which occurred on May 26.

Once the event was detected, as part of the early warning actions, the contingency plan for these cases was implemented, mobilizing personnel, equipment and materials to start the containment and subsequent repair of the pipeline, as was done in this case. The area is underground to 2 meters deep and covered additionally by a column of 1.5 meters of water. The containment barriers have already been installed in the area to contain the affloration of crude oil.

Also, according to the first inquiries, it is presumed that a microcrack on the pipeline was caused as a result of the telluric movement.

The event is being informed to the inspection bodies.
