PETROPERÚ detects minor outcrop at km 609 of the ONP

PETROPERU informs the public of the following:
- Today, 01.27.2022, patrol personnel reported to us a small oil slick at km 609+510, Section II of the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP), in the La Vega village, Pucará district, Cajamarca Region.
- As a first response action, PETROPERÚ immediately activated the Contingency Plan, ordering the closure of the inlet and outlet valves of the pipeline, in addition to mobilizing PETROPERÚ and Contractor personnel to the area for the verification, control and containment of the hydrocarbon. These actions are carried out taking into account the protocol provided for the health emergency that is currently being faced.
- Hydrocarbon transportation activities by the ONP are in a scheduled shutdown.
- This event will be communicated to OSINERGMIN, OEFA and other State entities, within the established deadlines. The causes of the incident are under investigation.