PETROPERÚ delivers state-of-the-art instruments to artisanal fishermen from Talara

In order to optimize working conditions and make it more productive, PETROPERÚ provided the San Pedro artisanal fishermen's union in Talara with instruments for navigation, which will become a technological solution for their daily tasks on the high seas.
These are four modern GPS echo sounders and high-speed digital design, which will allow seafarers to provide depth information and detect shoals at great distances, which will undoubtedly improve their productivity. In addition, the color display of each echosounder enhances the perception of rigid bottom, algae and fish.
This delivery by the state oil company took place within the framework of the sailing boat regatta, organized by said union, in the San Pedro port of Talara, where the first positions of each group and the fisherman were awarded as "Fishermen of the year".
The activity had a special significance for the seafarers of Talara, as it allowed to resume a traditional competition in which the expertise of fishermen in handling sailing vessels is put to the test.
The participants agreed to highlight the permanent contribution of PETROPERÚ to the artisanal fishermen of that province, recognizing the effort of these vigorous men of the sea, motivating them to optimize the development of their daily activities.
In this way, the state oil company, within the framework of its Social Management Plan, promotes and consolidates its support in those areas where it maintains its operations and reinforces its relationships of mutual respect and constant work with its stakeholders; in this case, Talara.