PETROPERU delivers school supplies to benefit over 17,500 students from Talara

As part of its Social Responsibility Program "Educando para el Mañana" (Educating for Tomorrow), PETROPERU started delivering packages with school supplies to the 48 public primary and secondary educational institutions of the province of Talara, to serve 819 teachers and benefit the collaborative work in the classroom of 17, 830 students.

The 663 packages with educational material, which will be delivered to primary and secondary schools, seek to feed the creativity and psychomotricity of students through the delivery of cardboards, flipcharts, filing cabinets, colored paper, bond paper, blackboard and paper markers, rubber, temperas, crayons, markers, white-out, pens, A-4 notebooks, staples, among others; besides helping to satisfactorily develop the pedagogical work and the contents proposed in the national curriculum.
In the district of Pariñas, educational material will be delivered to the primary public institutions Santa Lucia, General Felipe Santiago Salaverry, Coronel FAP Víctor Maldonado Begazo, María Reyna de la Paz, Andrés Avelino Cáceres, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Jorge Chávez, José Cayetano Heredia, Santa Rosa de Lima, Domingo Savio, San Martín de Porres, Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, José Gálvez Egúsquiza, María Reiche, Cap. FAP José Emilio Velarde Vargas, Máximo Heraclio Cornejo Pacora, Monsignor Luis Pacheco Wilson, Santa Elena, Casas Negras, Jabonillal and San Sebastián. Meanwhile, the beneficiaries at the secondary level will be Coronel FAP Víctor Maldonado Begazo, Andrés Avelino Cáceres, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, María Reyna de la Paz, José Gálvez Egúsquiza, Domingo Savio, Alejandro Taboada, Cap. FAP José Emilio Velarde Vargas, Ignacio Merino and La Inmaculada.
In the district of La Brea, in the primary level the educational institutions (IE) Cristo Rey, Elena Arévalo de Martínez, San Pablo, José Antonio Encinas Franco; and in secondary school, José Pardo y Barreda and La Brea. In Lobitos, students from both educational levels of the EIs 14911 will be benefited and in El Alto EIs 14905, Julio César Tello, Elementary School 15515 and Felix Cipriano Coronel Zegarra high school. Meanwhile, in Los Órganos, El Ñuro, Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes and Divino Cristo Rey schools in the primary and secondary levels of EI 14913 and Augusto Salazar Bondy.
It is important to mention that in the last ten years, 10,755 educational packages have been delivered benefiting more than 100,000 Talara students. This year, PETROPERU expands its scope of action, benefiting the secondary education population as part of its genuine commitment to education.
For Quality Schools
In addition to the annual delivery of school supplies to all the educational institutions of the district, PETROPERU, through "Educando para el Mañana" (Educating for Tomorrow), started last March with Quality Schools. This program will provide training for three years to 255 primary level teachers in the areas of communication and mathematics, as part of the teacher's continuing education plan and the slogan of raising the development of these skills and results in these pedagogical areas in 7,057 schoolchildren from Talara. This program is carried out through the Universidad Privada Cayetano Heredia,
Likewise, it will continue with its program "Together for the Environment" that is applied to 21 public schools of Talara, promoting the development of bio-gardens, the installation of clean points, recycling campaigns, lectures of awareness in management of solid waste and drawing contests and environmental stories.