PETROPERU delivers oxygen tanks and biosecurity equipment to the Talara health center

PETROPERU delivered 22 10 m3 oxygen tanks and more than 25,000 biosafety implements for the personnel of the "Carlos Vivanco Mauricio" Health Center II belonging to the network of the Ministry of Health (MINSA), one of the two main establishments doctors who have been treating cases of patients infected with the COVID-19 virus in the oil city.
As part of the biosecurity teams, the state company has provided N-95 masks, surgical gloves, protective glasses, disposable boots and caps, bosses, clothing kits and surgical masks, toilet gloves, paper towels, liquid soap and gel alcohol, so that medical personnel can provide adequate and safe care to patients for the next three months.
In support of the personnel who are in the first line of struggle to face the COVID-19, PETROPERU has also provided food service for medical personnel who have worked long hours at the MINSA health center. Likewise, it supports the patrol actions carried out by the Peruvian Air Force, in this period of sanitary emergency, through the cession in use of three double cab trucks and has supported the vulnerable population of the city with the delivery of a thousand packages with groceries.
The delivery of balloons to the Minsa Talara Health Center was carried out thanks to the support of the main contractors of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project: Técnicas Reunidas and Cobra, who joined this solidarity crusade together with their subcontractors.
Delivery of COVID-19 test kits
By the end of May, PETROPERU will deliver to the “Carlos Vivanco Mauricio” Health Center II in Talara, 5,000 rapid test kits to rule out COVID-19, which are in the final import process.
Additionally, and thanks to the commitment that the company's workers have with Talara, the donation will be made to MINSA of seven 10 m3 oxygen balloons with their complete accessories. This equipment has been acquired with the voluntary contribution of the workers and their delivery will make it possible to contribute to the strengthening of the health center's service in this difficult national health period.