Petroperú delivers medical equipment to health center in Talara

Continuing with its policy of social management for the benefit of the population, Petroperú delivered modern medical equipment to the "Carlos Humberto Vivanco Mauricio" health center in Talara, which will be very useful for the comprehensive care of pregnant women and infants under one year of age.
The medical facility received an infantometer for children under two years of age, a Doppler fetal heart rate monitor, two pediatric digital scales, a mechanical scale with an adult height rod, and three portable blood pressure monitors, which will improve the quality of care that mothers and children receive.
This important support is part of the "Corporate intervention program to support pregnant mothers and families with children up to 12 months of age", promoted by Petroperú to strengthen the work of health establishments in terms of early childhood development.
In this program, which was implemented in August of this year, 807 mothers from Talara participate, who receive guidance -from gestation and up to the infant's first year of life- on good care practices and healthy nutrition for pregnant women and children by the specialized medical personnel, which is essential for proper growth and development of minors.