PETROPERU delivers biosecurity kits to communities

In order to help minimize the risks to which the population is exposed, due to COVID-19, PETROPERU began delivering 3,480 biosafety kits to native communities and health centers, neighboring the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP).
The Apu of the Santa Rosa Community of the Manseriche district - Datem del Marañón Province - Loreto, Kefer Beto Kajekui Chijiap, thanked PETROPERU for being present with the biosecurity products for the families of their community and thus avoiding the risks to which they are exposed by the coronavirus.
It is worth mentioning that, during the delivery of the kits, PETROPERU staff instructs in the proper washing of the hands and the correct use of the masks, so that, with this work, it also contributes to reinforcing the prevention measures implemented at the national level.
The kits have been delivered to each family of 16 communities located in the ONP's area of influence, such as Saramuro, Saramurillo, Maypuco, Saramiriza, Félix Flores, Fernando Rosas, Andoas, Puerto América, Puerto Alegría, Kusu Grande, Santa Rosa, Chapis , Mayuriaga, Antena 4, Titiyacu, Uwintza and Chuintar, which are part of the Manseriche districts. Urarinas, Barranca, Andoas and Morona, from the Loreto region.
Likewise, the Kusu Grande community in the Imaza district and the El Valor population center in the El Milagro district, in the Amazon region, will benefit.
Each kit contains antibacterial bar soaps, surgical masks, a container of bleach and an informational brochure in the Awajun language, which details the preventive measures they must adopt for their health care. The kit delivery will also benefit eleven Loreto Health Centers.
Avoiding the spread
PETROPERU, in coordination with the Loreto Regional Health Directorate, has started training in COVID-19 prevention measures, aimed at the population of communities near the ONP, with the aim of supporting them in all the actions that must be implemented to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.