PETROPERU coordinates with ESSALUD for adequate management of the Hospital Modular Talara

Given recent information on the operation of the Talara Modular Hospital, PETROPERÚ addresses the public opinion to communicate the following:
- As part of the donation agreement, on 11/30/2020 PETROPERÚ handed over the administration of the Talara Modular Hospital to ESSALUD, the institution in charge of the operation and maintenance of this establishment, which, from 12/16/2020 to date, has provided more than 3,500 care for COVID-19 patients.
- During the entire process of executing the assembly, implementation and installation service of the Talara Modular Hospital, which included the elaboration of the technical conditions, the design and validation of the distribution plan and permanent supervision, the participation of ESSSALUD specialists, who have approved both the facilities and the equipment of this medical establishment.
- As part of its work to supervise the donation made, PETROPERÚ warned that there were problems due to the number of specialized personnel and the 100% use of ICU beds. Faced with this situation, he asked the Management of the ESSALUD Piura Healthcare Network and the Management of Hospital II in Talara for information on the actions to be taken for the proper management of the aforementioned medical center.
- In response to this, ESSALUD has informed PETROPERÚ that it has been taking action to provide a prompt solution to the entry into operation of all ICU beds, summoning internists from the region and preparing a space for the five beds that are currently inoperative; in such a way that ESSALUD guarantees that it will raise the observations and that the Modular Hospital fully complies with its services for the benefit of the health of the people of Talara.
- PETROPERÚ, reaffirms its commitment to the population of Talara, ensuring correct monitoring of the commitments made with said donation and universal health care, to its maximum capacity, during the COVID-19 pandemic and onwards.