Petroperú contributes to the implementation of Talara libraries

As part of its library implementation program, Petroperú delivered a select sample of books from Ediciones Copé to the educational institutions José Pardo y Barreda, La Brea, 15510 José Gálvez Egúsquiza, 14902 María Reyna de la Paz, 15513 Nuestra Sra From Guadalupe, as well as the "Hildebrando Castro Pozo" Municipal Library of Talara.
Among the titles delivered by Petroperú are: Historia del Perú Antiguo, Amazonas Ruta Milenaria, 21 Relatos sobre la Independencia and Expediente Vallejo, as well as the winning and finalist works of the different categories of the Copé Award 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, among main.
The directors and teachers of the benefited educational institutions thanked Petroperú for its commitment to promoting reading among the more than three thousand students in the oil province.
In this way, Petroperú reaffirms its commitment to continue providing access to Ediciones Copé publications in different educational institutions and public libraries in the country, in line with its Cultural Policy and its firm commitment to fostering and promoting culture and art.
Last May, Petroperú delivered the Ediciones Copé books to the La Inmaculada, Ignacio Merino and Alejandro Taboada Polytechnic schools, where more than four thousand students are educated.