PETROPERÚ contributes to recycling and public cleaning in Talara

Committed to caring for the environment through responsible practices that allow living sustainably and in harmony with nature, PETROPERÚ joined, as a strategic ally, the Program for Segregation at the Source and Selective Collection of Solid Waste" promoted by the Provincial Municipality of Talara (MPT).
Officials from the Provincial Municipality of Talara, PETROPERÚ, as well as representatives from the Ministry of the Environment and the Talara Recyclers Association, Clarisa Tinoco de Ramos, participated in the activity.
In its first installment, the state company transferred 2.19 tons of reusable solid waste (such as cardboard, paper, plastic and glass) correctly segregated due to the implementation, since years ago, of clean points in the Talara Refinery; which has made it possible to make its workers and contractors aware of the importance of separating the garbage they produce on a daily basis.
Through its participation in this Program, PETROPERÚ will contribute to the circular economy, delivering the waste produced in its facilities for the benefit of the associations of formalized recyclers in the province that have been working on the recovery infrastructure of the MPT Sanitary Landfill. , generating sources of economic income and minimizing the final disposal of waste to the Sanitary Landfill.
This contribution was made on the occasion of World Recycling Day and within the framework of the activities for World Environment Day that is celebrated on June 5.