
Petroperú continues with first response actions at the Las Capullanas beach

The company reaffirms its commitment to caring for the environment and to have open dialogue with communities.
Petroperú continues with first response actions at the Las Capullanas beach

The environmental response and surveillance work on the Las Capullanas beach continues permanently and in coordination with local authorities. The specialized companies in charge of these actions have been carrying out continuous evaluations to implement the necessary measures to guarantee the environmental quality of the area affected.

The company maintains a constant deployment of personnel in the beach area and in the sea, complemented by boats and drones that carry out preventive monitoring to guarantee the early detection of any eventuality. To date, no impacts have been identified in areas other than those already identified.

Petroperú reaffirms its commitment to caring for the environment and open dialogue with communities, local authorities and other interest groups, to continue developing its activities responsibly.