PETROPERÚ continues to help those damnified by rains in Ilo

Humanitarian aid continues to arrive from PETROPERU in the high areas of Ilo, which were affected by the heavy rains that led to the flooding of rivers in the Andean highlands of the Moquegua region, where the drinking water treatment plants supplying the area were damaged.
On this occasion, the state oil company brought drinking water, in cisterns specially equipped for this purpose, to dozens of families from AAHH Villa Primavera and other points in the area.
In total there have been two times that water has been supplied through tanker trucks that PETROPERU has provided for hundreds of victims, with priority being given to children and senior citizens, in coordination with the Ilo Sanitation Services Provider Company (EPS).
PETROPERU is building a new plant and supply terminal for the southern region of the country, in Ilo. Within this framework - and as part of its Social Management Plan - it carries out a series of social responsibility activities in an articulated manner with local authorities. This includes support in emergency cases such as this, that affects the province of Ilo and the entire southern macro region of the country.