PETROPERU complies with the COVID-19 vigilance, prevention and control plan

Luis Revoredo
Director Diario UNO
Paseo de la República 5610, 2nd floor. Office 201.
Of my consideration:
It is a pleasure to greet you cordially and, at the same time, to send you our comments on Mr. Jorge Manco Zanconetti's column, entitled "PETROPERU in times of pandemic", published on Saturday, July 11, 2020, on pages 8 and 9 of the newspaper that you direct, which indicates that the company would have "poor security and prevention measures adopted by senior management", in relation to our biosecurity measures implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19, information that does not fit the truth and that it is appropriate to clarify.
In this regard, we inform you that, since the beginning of the State of National Emergency, PETROPERU, in compliance with all the Government's provisions to prevent the spread and contagion of COVID-19, carried out immediate actions, suspending in-person activities, restricting them to those strictly necessary. In line, both with the Emergency Decree No. 026-2020 and with Supreme Decree No. 010-2020 TR, we implemented the modalities of Temporary Work, In-Person Work, Mixed Work and Remote Work for the personnel whose administrative functions allowed it, established Unpaid Leave Days with subsequent compensation for the workers considered part of the at-risk group, as well as those who, due to the functions of their position, were required to carry out their in-person work in the different Operating Units, thus protecting the life and the health of all its workers, without exception.
In this sense, PETROPERU has the Plan for the Vigilance, Prevention and Control of COVID-19 approved by the Ministry of Energy and Mines and registered in the COVID Integrated System (SICOVID) of the Ministry of Health, as well as with various procedures, among them PROA1-350, Occupational Health and Safety Measures for Return to Work in PETROPERU Facilities, and LINA1-073, Guideline Measures and Actions for Personnel who Return to In-Person Work at PETROPERU, which establishes 4 phases for gradual return to work. Thus, during the so-called Phase 0, which started on 03/16/2020, the mandatory social isolation of all personnel has been maintained to date, accounting for only 19% of the total number of workers hired for an undetermined period and 9% of fixed-term contracted workers who are working in-person, to guarantee the supply of fuels in the country, who comply with the protocols established, such as the mentioned prevention and protection measures.
We are currently at the beginning of Phase 1, in which a small group of workers will be incorporated into the in-person activities, gradually, whenever it is strictly necessary and in compliance with the criteria established by the health authorities of our country. In phases 2 and 3 the same criteria will continue, making the health of our workers, contractors and customers prevail.
It is also appropriate to specify that the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP) has suspended its activities since April 30 and the restart process will take place gradually and progressively, following all the protocols and guidelines established in the Vigilance, Control and Prevention Plan of the COVID-19 of our company. Likewise, the Iquitos Refinery, after a long period of suspension of activities, has been carrying out monthly scheduled operations in its Primary Distillation Unit (UDP), maintaining the safety and health protocols, considering only a minimum team of operational workers.
It is important to note that the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Protocol, which is hosted on our website, contemplates strict access and exit controls, body temperature measurement, personal hygiene procedures, cleaning and disinfection of transportation means, environments work and camps, reduced capacity, social distancing, use of personal protective equipment, use of computer tools for virtual meetings, inspection and continuous verification of all these measures, among others. Also, permanent medical vigilance, for which the medical teams that we have in our operations have been reinforced.
Recently, we have signed an important agreement with the AUNA Group, so that, through the health programs we currently have, our workers can perform molecular tests, which will be carried out according to medical evaluation. Also, since before the pandemic, we have implemented an aggressive communications plan for the prevention of COVID-19, in all our locations.
To guarantee compliance with the protocol, PETROPERU has invested, to date, more than 10 million soles, which have been used for the acquisition of COVID-19 discard tests, medications, biosafety implements, personal protective equipment and cameras. thermal, as well as the installation of disinfection points, signaling and the implementation of cleaning and disinfection procedures.
PETROPERU deeply regrets the loss of workers as a result of COVID-19, for which reason we maintain a constant review of the processes linked to the biosafety measures implemented in our facilities, with the aim of identifying opportunities for improvement that further strengthen our procedures, adding to this, actions that strengthen the responsible care of each one of us, as a fundamental axis in prevention.
It is important to emphasize that a large part of the contagions have been generated among personnel who were not working in person and in cases where this situation has occurred, the corresponding protocol has been carried out, which includes controlled quarantine of the patient and people with those that maintained contact, among other actions, in strict compliance with the procedures explained in the preceding paragraphs.
In this sense, we would appreciate taking into account the information provided to make the corresponding clarification, in order to correctly inform public opinion about the actions that PETROPERU has been carrying out in this critical period that the country is experiencing and in which we reaffirm our commitment to guarantee the supply of fuels in the country, with security, responsibility and transparency.
Without any other particular, pending the corresponding rectification in the terms, means and proportions similar to those used to disseminate the aforementioned charges, without prejudice to reserving the right to evaluate the initiation of legal, civil or criminal actions, before the instances. competent jurisdictions.
Yours truly,
Carlos Barrientos Gonzales
General Manager