Petroperú clarifies publication on Lot 192

Jaime Vásquez Valcárcel
Director of the Pro y Contra newspaper
Jr. Trujillo 1565 – Punchana.
Of our consideration:
We are pleased to greet you and at the same time request clarification of the inaccurate information contained in the edition of Friday June 25 of the Pro y Contra newspaper, with the front-page headline: "Big haul in PETROPERÚ?", which we specify below.
As we reported through Press Release No. 103-2021, which we are forwarding for your information, a prior consultation process is underway directed by MINEM and Perupetro with the communities of Lot 192. Only when this process is concluded will we proceed to sign the License Agreement for the Exploitation of Hydrocarbons of Lot 192 between Perupetro and PETROPERÚ. Subsequently, Perupetro will proceed to incorporate Altamesa Energy Canada Inc., the company selected by PETROPERÚ as an operating partner, into this contract.
Since the aforementioned headline of the note (and the cover of his newspaper) do not correspond at all with the content of the article, in the interests of transparency and in line with our integrity system, we reject any hint of acts of corruption in this process that we are informing in a timely manner for public opinion.
Therefore, we grant you a period of seventy-two (72) hours, counted from the receipt of this document, to be rectified in the terms, means and proportions similar to those used to communicate your defamatory headline, without prejudice to reserving the right to initiate legal actions that may correspond to safeguard the reputation of PETROPERÚ officials.
Best regards,
Carla Santa Cruz
Communications Department Manager