Petroperú clarifies inaccurate data on real estate property

In relation to the inaccurate statements presented in the article published in the Perú 21 newspaper titled “The Comforts of Petroperú”, we must clarify the following:
- Petroperú has been coordinating the sale of the assets that are currently its property and that are not necessary to fulfill its corporate mission, within the framework of the recommendations of the Restructuring Plan approved by the company's Board of Directors in July 2023 and the current regulations.
- However, we correct the inaccurate statements related to the Punta Arenas Condominium in Talara, which is a housing complex, more than 80 years old, that was built by the International Petroleum Company (IPC) and that in 1969, when Petroperú was created , became part of its assets, as did the majority of the properties mentioned in the aforementioned newspaper's article.
- The technical administrative staff of the New Talara Refinery and the Talara Sales Plant reside in this housing complex, workers who come from different parts of our country. As is common practice in various highly complex industries, the housing benefit is granted as a compensatory measure, considering that personnel must be available 24/7 to respond to any emergency that may arise in the facilities of the industrial complex. In that sense, it is the personnel who use the homes who are in charge of their routine maintenance, leaving Petroperú, as the owner of the asset, in charge of major maintenance.
- Regarding the Punta Arenas de Talara Club, we inform that it is located within the facilities of the Punta Arenas Condominium, and that it is also more than 80 years old. The operation of the club, its improvements and its respective maintenance are paid for with the monthly fees of its members (workers and former workers, as well as personnel outside the Company).
- Likewise, the bowling hall of the Punta Arenas Club to which the aforementioned note refers was part of the assets built by IPC. To date, only the staff dining room operates in said location.
- Regarding the “modern school”, we understand that this is a reference to the Punta Arenas School, whose facilities are located within the Punta Arenas Condominium, and which is also more than 80 years old. The administration of the school is under the care of its APAFA, who have received the assets on commodatum. The operation of the educational institution (maintenance, payment of teachers, etc.) is financed with the monthly payments made by parents who have children in the institution.
- Regarding the statement referring to the alleged construction of a modern semi-Olympic pool, we must clarify that Petroperú has not built any pool. In this regard, we specify that the company Técnicas Reunidas, main contractor of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project, built at its own cost and expense a swimming pool within its camp, for the use of its staff.
- For the above reasons, we reject the biased statements of the aforementioned media outlet, which, by not carrying out a responsible investigation of the facts, spreads distorted information to its readers, damaging the reputation of the Company and its workers.