PETROPERU celebrated Christmas with 15 thousand children from communities neighbor to the Oipeline

PETROPERU, through its Despertando Sonrisas (“Awakening Smiles”) Program, celebrated Christmas with more than 15,000 children from 150 communities and population centers neighboring the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP), which belong to the departments of Loreto, Amazonas, Cajamarca, Lambayeque and Piura.
The Despertando Sonrisas Program is part of the programs that PETROPERU has implemented as part of its Social Management Policy, to strengthen the relationship with the communities neighboring its operations.
The children of the communities closest to the stations of the ONP participated in a Christmas show where they enjoyed various games and gifts.
The children were accompanied by the authorities of their communities; as well as by personnel that work in the ONP Stations.