Petroperú carried out a natural gas leak drill in Tacna

As part of the temporary administration functions of the natural gas distribution system in the southwestern regions of Peru, last Friday, December 2, 2022, Petroperú successfully carried out a natural gas leak simulation in the city of Tacna.
The premise was a rupture of the 20 mm ring network by mechanical action of a third party, in this case, a neighbor who opened a trench for the installation of drinking water in front of his home, located on Av. La Mar, Sector Agrarian, in the Cercado de Tacna. The objective was to demonstrate the response times of our emergency crew to real events on public roads.
Members of the Departmental Fire Department of Tacna operating an implemented bomb, personnel from the 105 Emergency Area of the Peruvian National Police and officials from the Risk and Disaster Sub-Management of the Provincial Municipality of Tacna arrived in that sector. Likewise, the residents of the area participated, who communicated to the emergency lines 1808 (natural gas), 116 (Firefighters) and 105 (Police).
In its capacity as supervising entity, there was also the presence of OSINERGMIN supervisors who accompanied the development of the event and issued their valuable contributions at the end of it.
This drill corresponds to one of the activities of the Educational Program 2022 in compliance with the provisions of the quality standard RCD N° 306-2015-OS.CD of OSINERGMIN and the international standard API 1162, whose objective is to raise awareness among the population about prevention , reporting and emergency management.
In this regard, the Gas de Petroperú Corporate Management thanked the commitment and cooperation of the emergency management entities, the supervisory body and the population in general to carry out these activities and continuously improve preparation for emergency situations.
Likewise, customers and neighbors close to the Company's underground networks are reminded that in the event of possible real emergencies at their homes or public roads, they can report it to the toll-free number 1808 and specialized crews in each city will immediately come to solve the occurrence.
How are natural gas leaks recognized?
Leaks in homes or on public roads are recognized mainly by a strong smell and/or a constant whistle, so it is recommended to keep a prudent distance before calling 1808. If you are at home, you should also close the stopcock and open the windows to help evacuate the gas.
Customer care
Petroperú informs its clients in the south of the country that it keeps the Emergency Attention (1808) and Customer Attention (0801 14441) numbers active. Likewise, they can visit for more information.
It should be noted that since it took over the temporary administration, Petroperú has guaranteed the continuity of the public natural gas service, maintaining the uninterrupted distribution of fuel to homes, businesses and industries in southern Peru.