PETROPERÚ blocks entry pass to workers of contractors who fail to comply with sanitary regulations

PETROPERÚ expressed its strong rejection of the inappropriate behavior of those who violate the COVID-19 health regulations and reported that it has proceeded to block the entry pass to the Talara Refinery facilities of four workers from the contractor and subcontractor companies that this weekend They were intervened by the National Police of Peru, in a business on Avenue A in this city, along with other people.
Likewise, it announced that the contractor companies in which the personnel intervened by the forces of order work have been requested to maintain and redouble the corresponding corrective measures to prevent these events from being repeated during the state of emergency that the country is experiencing. for the COVID-19 pandemic.
As is public knowledge, the construction work of the new Talara Refinery continues, complying with the protocols approved and established in the surveillance, prevention and control plans of COVID-19 for this project, which are aligned with the Ministerial Resolution RM-972-2020-MINSA.
The more than seven thousand workers currently working on this project are under permanent medical surveillance, a task that is carried out by 190 people who make up PETROPERÚ's health teams, contractors and their subcontractors.
All workers are required to comply with the protocols established in work areas that go through constant cleaning and disinfection processes. Likewise, in coordination with the contractors and subcontractors, a permanent awareness campaign is carried out so that they maintain the biosafety protocols until they reach their homes.