PETROPERÚ benefits schools of Bayóvar and Olmos with Quality Schools Program

The implementation of the Quality Schools Program promoted by PETROPERU continued in the districts of Bayóvar (province of Sechura, Piura region) and Olmos (province and region of Lambayeque), benefiting 700 primary school students, since it will allow them to strengthen their knowledge in mathematics and communication; while it will help teachers to learn better pedagogical techniques.
In Olmos, the beneficiaries belong to the educational institutions (IIEE) located in the Pasaje Norte, Sequión, San Pablo de Escurre, Racalí, El Cardo, San Cristóbal Chico and San Cristóbal Grande hamlets, while in the area of Sechura, to the IIEE of Puerto Rico and Playa Blanca.
As part of the Quality Schools activities, texts were also delivered to students and teachers. This program is developed in partnership with the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and has the support of the Local Education Management Units (UGEL) of Sechura and Lambayeque.
The delivery of materials is a fundamental support for their use in the classroom and to promote better learning outcomes. In addition, the educational modules for teachers will allow them to implement strategies for the development of mathematical thinking, under the problem-solving approach and their respective teaching strategies.
The Quality Schools program will last three years, since it contemplates the evaluation and constant training of the professionals of the pedagogy, which will allow them to be certified at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia at the end of the program.
Thanks to PETROPERU, the Quality Schools Program has been implemented in 43 schools in the areas close to its operations, benefiting 473 teachers and 12,235 students.
This way, the state oil company reinforces its commitment to the education of children located in neighboring towns to its facilities, developing skills and strengthening capacities to improve their quality of life.