PETROPERÚ becomes a leader in its sector by receiving SGS certification in COVID-19 controls

As a result of the extraordinary situation registered by the global health crisis of COVID-19, the measures referring to health, organization, control, hygiene and cleaning have been readjusted in all areas. Hence, PETROPERÚ has adopted in its operations the implementation of new biosafety protocols that have allowed it to be the first state company to receive the certification of controls against COVID-19.
The renowned international certifier SGS, considered the main world benchmark in quality and integrity and a world leader in inspection, verification, analysis and certification, was in charge of granting such an important distinction, in compliance with the requirements established in ministerial resolutions No. 972- 2020-MINSA, No. 128-2020-MINEM/DM and No. 135-2020-MINEM-DM.
The audit included the control of all the procedures implemented for the surveillance, prevention and control of COVID-19 in the facilities of the state oil company, which contributes to protecting workers and preventing operational capacity from being affected.
In relation to the pandemic, the General Manager of the company, Carlos Barrientos Gonzales acknowledged that "this is probably the most complex challenge that all of us have been able to experience in our professional careers," while also highlighting that "this certification confirms our approach to people, from the Board of Directors and senior management to PETROPERÚ's staff”. Likewise, he confirmed PETROPERÚ's commitment to the safety and health of its workers, customers and suppliers.
In turn, the SGS representative, Julio Ubarnes, specified that this certification focuses on compliance with all the regulatory requirements that the authorities demand. "The controls have been planned and then executed at its facilities, which shows that PETROPERÚ has complied with all the required requirements," he said.
Finally, the Chairman of the Board of the state oil company, Eduardo Guevara Dodds, reiterated that, during the pandemic, PETROPERÚ has continued to operate non-stop, at the same time that the construction of the new Talara Refinery had to continue. Compliance with "the protocols that we have established”, he said, “show that we are prepared to face" COVID-19 and has allowed the work of more than 7 thousand people to be maintained in Talara without the need to stop work.