Petroperú awards winners of the school story and essay contest in Talara

Federico Villarreal and Ibrahim Elí-Adrianzén Franco, from the Santa Rosa de Lima Parish Educational Institution, were awarded for having taken first place in the III Story Contest “Building Stories” and V Literary Essay Contest: “Talara Refinery, 106 years of history at the service of the country”, organized by Petroperú and in which more than 82 students from the oil province participated.
The student Luhana Cotrina took first place in the III Story Contest with the story “The Conqueror's Visit.” Second place was obtained by the student of the Ignacio Merino Educational Institution, Aaron André Moncada Echeandía, with the story “Breita: the prehistoric traveler.” Both students, along with their teacher advisors and their directors, were awarded diplomas, trophies and technology items for this important achievement.
In the Literary Essay contest, first place was obtained by Ibrahim Elí-Adrianzén Franco, a student at the Santa Rosa de Lima Parish Educational Institution, with the essay titled: “New Talara Refinery: Technological insignia for the energy and socioeconomic development of the country.” The second place went to student Enmy Atencio Merino from Institución Educativa La Inmaculada, who was also awarded for her work “We are all Petroperú.” They were recognized along with their advisory teachers and directors with diplomas, trophies and technology items for their excellent performance.
During the ceremony, the finalist and honorable mentions from both competitions were also recognized. In the Story category, the finalists were the schoolchildren: Yadira Lizbeth Nizama Ramos (I.E. Emblemática 15513), Yazuri Alexandra Lara Porquecas (I.E. La Inmaculada), Angie Lia Olmos Cornelio (IEFAP José Emilio Velarde Vargas) and Ariana Esael Tume Albán (I.E. Cnel. Victor Maldonado Begazo). For its part, the honorable mention in the Story category went to Joel Atoche Peralta from Institución Educativa Ignacio Merino.
In Literary Essay the finalists were: Chris Joselyn Aguirre Panta, Nayeli Zapata Flores, Camila Isabel Cortez Hidalgo (I.E. Domingo Savio) and Aaron Farías Carrasco (I.E.P. Galeno) while Jaime Emilio Castillo Benites was recognized as Honorable Mention of the V Essay School Literary Contest.
At the end of the ceremony, the representative of the Local Educational Management Unit – UGEL Talara, Soledad Arévalo de Antón, welcomed the participation of the students in both contests, highlighting the important role of teachers and directors in promoting literary creation, reading, as well as in the critical analysis of information for a personal position regarding a topic.
Representing the Talara Refinery Corporate Management of Petroperú, engineer Fredy Alvarado Ñato, congratulated each of the winners and finalists of both contests, urging them to continue cultivating their talent through unpublished works that reflect creativity and research. Likewise, he reaffirmed the oil company's commitment to promoting culture and art in the city that is home to the New Talara Refinery.
The contests were held in line with Petroperú's Cultural Management Policy and the Local Development Support Program of the Community Relations Plan of the Environmental Impact Study of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project, with the aim of promoting reading and encouraging literary creation. from an early age and motivate the school population to investigate the contribution of the New Talara Refinery.
Cultural program
Petroperú permanently develops a cultural program in the oil city that includes free-access activities such as summer workshops for children, open-air cinema, Peruvian music and dance shows, exhibitions and conferences that contribute to the training of children, young people and Adults. Likewise, it has implemented school and community libraries with books from Ediciones Copé.