PETROPERÚ awards winners of story contest

PETROPERÚ awarded the winners of the First Early Childhood Story Contest "Te cuido+ Te respeto+ Te amo" (I care for you + I respect you + I love you), organized by the state oil company and which seeks to promote creativity and literary talent in the province of Talara.
The competition brought together mothers, fathers and caregivers of children of child age, who sent their stories in audiovisual format with the aim of highlighting their creativity and innovation. Stories were to highlight the importance of relationships and habits of affection, care, and protection between parents and infants.
The qualifying jury, composed of Peruvian writers of children's literature, selected the 25 best works for their respective authors to participate in a literary training workshop lasting three weeks, thus seeking to strengthen their skills in reading, writing and creativity and their audiovisual proposal to be transferred to a written format.
At the end of the workshop, 14 stories were received, selecting three winners: Samuel Marchena Jiménez, for his story "El deseo de Talita"; Judith del Rosario Morán, for "El polito de las plumas coloridas" and Elsa Nizama Rodríguez, for her work "Amááá y el pequeño Eleo".
The first place received a diploma, a trophy, a digital phone, an early childhood kit, and a collection of children's stories. The second and third place were also awarded.
It should be noted that the finalist stories not only exhibited literary inspiration, but also reflected the richness of the lyrics for children, through their myths and legends, also addressing current topics.
It is important to mention that Consorcio ODI, PETROPERÚ's contractor company for the New Talara Refinery, joined the state oil company's initiative by awarding part of the prizes to the participants.