PETROPERÚ at the Huancayo Book Fair

PETROPERÚ confirmó su presencia en la 10° Feria del Libro de Huancayo (FELIZH) a realizarse en la explanada de la Plaza Humanmarca, donde realizará una serie de actividades como son la presentación del más reciente título de Ediciones Copé, “21. Relatos sobre la independencia del Perú”. Dicha presentación se realizará el miércoles 19 de junio, desde las 19:00 horas.
PETROPERU confirmed its presence at the 10th Huancayo Book Fair (FELIZH) to be held in the plaza of Humanmarca Square, where it will carry out a series of activities such as the presentation of the most recent edition of Copé Editions, “21. Relatos sobre la independencia del Perú” (21. Stories about the independence of Peru). Said presentation will be held on Wednesday, June 19, starting at 7:00 p.m.
Later, that same day, at 20:00 the presentation of the winning essay of the Copé 2018 Award, entitled “Adagios. Crítica del presente desde una ciencia melancólica” (Adagios. Criticism of the present from a melancholic science). Its author is the professor and dean of the Graduate School of the PUCP, Ciro Alegría Varona.
The following day, Thursday 20, at 18:00, the winning stories of the 2018 Copé Award will be presented. The work is entitled “La piel fría y los cuentos ganadores y finalistas de la XX Bienal de Cuento “Premio Copé 2018” (Cold skin and the winning and finalist stories of the XX Biennial Story "Copé Award 2018”), which brings together 16 stories by various writers, such as Stuart Flores, Gonzalo Castro, Edgard G. Aguayo and José Enrique Sotomayor, among others.
It should be noted that the Copé are the most important literary awards in the country. The first contest, in the Story category, was established by the state oil company in 1979, so this 2019 said prize turns 40 years old.
All these activities are part of PETROPERU's cultural management work plan as part of its Cultural Policy executed year after year, in its commitment to the promotion of literary and historical research and creation in Peru, the promotion of new writers and the consolidation of those already experienced to strengthen reading in our country.