PETROPERU at the Ayacucho International Book Fair

As in previous opportunities, PETROPERU will once again participate in the Ayacucho International Book Fair, whose opening day will take place this Friday the 11th and - like other artistic and cultural activities - also virtually.
Starting at 7:00 p.m., there will be a discussion on the book " Pueblos y culturas del Perú antiguo" by Luis Guillermo Lumbreras, a publication published under the Ediciones Copé label, from PETROPERU. It should be noted that this reference text has become a benchmark in the training of those who study American culture, around the world.
The day will be attended by the author of the work himself, and will participate, as commentators, the professor and researcher José Ochatoma; the archaeologist Luisa Díaz and the also archaeologist and director of the General Directorate of Museums of the Ministry of Culture, Carlos del Águila.
As is known, the Ayacucho International Book Fair will be the last literary fair to take place during the year; hence the importance and significance of having Luis Guillermo Lumbreras as a commentator and analyst of his own splendid work, which has transcended borders.
In this way, PETROPERU closes the last month of the year with a multiple agenda of cultural activities, now in the virtual environment, allowing a greater arrival to those who are interested in culture and knowledge.
Copersaciones De Oro Cycle
On the other hand, next Saturday the 12th, from 11.00 a.m. m., culminates the successful cycle of interviews "COPÉrsaciones de Oro", counting on this occasion with the presence of the winning writers of the last four editions of the Copé Story Award competition: Christ Gutiérrez, Johann Page, Santiago Merino and Stuart Flores. The interviews will be led by the writer and teacher Juan Manuel Chávez.
It should be remembered that all these activities are totally free and broadcast on the live Facebook of the PETROPERU Cultural Center.