Petroperú announces the winners of the 2023 Copé Award in novels and poetry

The members of the judging jury of the XXI Poetry Biennial and the IX Novel Biennial selected the works “La memoria hila” and “Los Espectros” as winners of the Copé Gold Award for the 2023 edition, respectively. Elma Murrugarra Pinedo won the Copé Gold Award for Poetry and Christian Elguera Olórtegui the Novel Award.
Additionally, in the Poetry category, the collections of poems “Río dormido sobre escombros de memoria” and “Entre los límites de una vela” were selected with the Copé Silver and Bronze, respectively. The authors are Alejandro Giancarlo Mautino Guillen and Alex Alan Ramos Arancibia.
There were three honorable mentions corresponding to the collections of poems “A orillas del olvido”, pseudonym Perro Andaluz; “Versalles”, pseudonym Nutcracker, and the collection of poems “Punta Negra”, pseudonym Bordado.
802 works participated in the selection process and were evaluated by the qualifying jury made up of Camilo Fernández, from the Peruvian Academy of Language; Rosella Di Paolo Ferrarini, for the Ministry of Culture; Luis Lino Salvador, from the National University of San Marcos; Luis Fernando Chueca, for the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and Marco Martos, for Petroperú.
Novel Biennial
The judging jury of the IX Novel Biennial awarded the highest award, out of a total of 173 works submitted to the competition, to the work “Los Espectros” by Christian Elguera Olórtegui. The works obtained honorable mentions: “Tres Veces Bogotá”, with pseudonym Justino Delgado and the work “Ayacucho: rincón de muertos”, with pseudonym Juan Preciado.
The qualifying jury was made up of Antonio González Montes from the Peruvian Academy of Language; Jorge Valenzuela Garcés, for the Ministry of Culture; Milagros Carazas Salcedo, from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; Eduardo Huarag Álvarez, for the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru and Ricardo González Vigil, for Petroperú.
The recognition ceremony for those selected for both categories will be held at the end of January 2024, in compliance with the contest rules. The winning works will be subsequently published under the Ediciones Copé seal, which will be distributed to libraries and information centers as part of the decentralized work of promoting and disseminating reading and culture in the country.