PETROPERU and the municipality of Talara carry out joint work for the benefit of the community

The social actions that PETROPERU is carrying out in Talara are aimed at achieving the sustainable development of the province and improving the quality of life of its neighbors, in a strategic alliance with local authorities, said Beatriz Alva Hart, Corporate Manager of Social Management and Communications from the state company, during the presentation of the PETROPERU Social Plan to the Provincial Mayor, José Vitonera Infante.
The mayor and provincial officials participated in the meeting, and listened attentively to the social projects carried out by the state company for the benefit of the residents of Talara. Among them, the official said that they will continue with the development of activities aimed at contributing to education, health care and the environment, and the development of economic initiatives.
Among the projects that will be implemented in 2019, Alva Hart informed that the rehabilitation and implementation of the operations room of the Talara Health Center will be carried out, for which the state oil company is coordinating with the regional authorities of the sector. He indicated that work will also be carried out on the construction of the road linking the Popular Urbanization roundabout to the interconnection with the Negritos highway.
He also noted that as part of the solid waste management project, which will provide a clean and attractive city for tourism, PETROPERU will implement, for a year, the plan to clean up 40 critical points of garbage accumulation in the city, through which rotating employment will be provided to 800 people, mostly women.
He said that this project also includes the delivery of new containers that will be installed at the points identified during the field work carried out in 2018. He also indicated that the neighbors will be trained for the proper segregation of their waste and the care of the decoration of their housing, for which it is planned to make the contest the cleanest neighborhood.
Tourism and recovery of spaces
Alva Hart also recalled that PETROPERU initiated in 2018 a project to boost local tourism, through the Tourism Training Center (CENFOTUR), which has developed a diagnosis that will allow the development and design of multisectoral action plans that contribute to relaunch the tourist industry in this province.
Likewise, the recovery of spaces in the city continues, which began in 2018 with the maintenance and forestation of 1,470 m2 of green areas of the malls adjacent to the Cristo Rey human settlement and the area known as "Cola de Gato" in Talara.
There is also progress in the training and formalization of fishermen, in order to improve working conditions and opportunities for seafarers in this province.
For the execution of the projects of joint participation, the conformation of teams and the establishment of work schedules are coordinated.
Local Committee with new board
On the other hand, the Provincial Mayor of Talara, José Vitonera Infante, was unanimously elected as president of the Local Committee of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT), in an extraordinary session held on March 6. As vice president, Dr. Henry Quispe Jaime, representative of the Ministry of Health, and secretary to engineer Luis Atoche Seminario, representative of the Talara Local Committee of the College of Engineers of Peru, were elected. According to the regulation, the Steering Committee is elected for one year.
The Local Committee is an instance in which representatives of civil society are key actors in the management of local employment for the construction of the new Talara Refinery, in line with the provisions of the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) of the PMRT.