PETROPERÚ and the Municipality of Ilo work together for citizen security

As part of the commitments assumed with the population of Ilo in the last session of the Dialogue Table, PETROPERÚ officials carried out a tour of the points proposed for the installation of the video surveillance equipment acquired at the time by the state company.
The installation of these devices seeks to contribute to the public safety of the province of Ilo, especially in the Villa del Mar sector, where the collection of information on the conditions presented by the installation points of said video surveillance cameras was completed.
During the visit, carried out alongside the representatives of the Provincial Municipality of Ilo and the Villa del Mar sector, the state-owned company officials provided guidelines and recommendations for a better location of the equipment and to ensure optimal control of the security in the area. Meanwhile, the delegates of the aforementioned sector took note of the recommendations made by the technical team and promised to manage the resolution of the observations through their board of directors and the municipality, to have the necessary authorizations for the subsequent installation of the equipment.
In this way, another of the commitments that PETROPERÚ made in favor of the population of Ilo has become a reality, within the framework of its Social Management Policy, and this strengthens the relations with its stakeholders in this province, where it has been building a new and modern terminal that will contribute to the development of the entire southern macro region.