PETROPERU and RENIEC carry out campaign in loreto communities

PETROPERU and the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (RENIEC) of Loreto, in Iquitos, developed a free campaign to obtain the National Identity Document (DNI), addressed to the population of 12 communities in the Urarinas district, in that region. from the country. In addition, the residents were able to access the services of renewal, rectification of data and duplicates of the DNI.
This campaign was able to serve about 800 residents of the communities of Saramurillo, San Jose de Saramuro, San Pedro, May 6, Maypuco, San Antonio, Urarinas, San Francisco, Cuninico, Santa Rosa, Nueva Alianza and Monte Rico. In the following months new campaigns will be developed to achieve the delivery and update of DNI and other registration documents in all the communities neighboring the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP).
With these activities, PETROPERU and RENIEC promote a culture of identity and make it possible for the inhabitants with limited economic resources to obtain their DNI and with this document to be able to access the social programs of the State, as well as to develop civil, commercial, administrative, judicial acts , among others.
This program is developed within the framework of the re-launching of the company's social responsibility policy, which also includes health, education and productive projects development for the benefit of the communities neighboring its operations.