PETROPERÚ and Ministry of Culture announce the call for the 2019 National Culture Award
- The categories Trajectory and Good Institutional Practices will be rewarded in any of the cultural development areas of the country.

PETROPERU and the Ministry of Culture announced the start of the call for the National Culture Award - PNC 2019, recognition given by the Peruvian State to national people and organizations that contribute to the construction of identity, the promotion of creativity and respect for the cultural diversity of the country.
In this eighth edition, applications will be received, until Monday, October 14, and may apply through an online system ( The National Culture Award 2019 is dedicated to artists, creators, researchers and managers whose practices are related to any of the cultural development areas of the country. The categories that will be awarded this year are Trajectory and Good Institutional Practices.
The winner of the Trajectory will receive a trophy, a diploma and a prize of S/ 45,000.00 while the winner of Good Institutional Practices will receive a trophy, a diploma and a prize of S/ 50,000.00. The bases can be downloaded from the Ministry of Culture's website: and inquiries can be made to the email
The figures that since 2012 have been recognized with this award are a sample of its relevance, among them are Gustavo Gutiérrez, Rodolfo Hinostroza, Francisco Lombardi, Julio Cotler, Carlos Germán Belli, Christian Bendayán, Edgardo Rivera Martínez, Lucho Quequezana, Gonzalo Portocarrero , Susana Baca, Humberto Rodríguez Pastor and Juan Cadillo León are some of those recognized with the PNC for their contribution to the country in different branches.
With the PNC, institutions such as the Arena y Esteras Association, La Tarumba, RENIEC, the Wiese Foundation, the MALI and the Great March of the Muñecones have also been recognized.