Petroperú and MINEM will expand natural gas coverage in the south

Petroperú reiterated that one of the main efforts of the State oil company - since December 2020 - is to ensure the continuity of the public natural gas service in southwest Peru, covering the regions of Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna and, in a joint effort with the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM), they are working on an ambitious expansion plan that involves increasing current coverage by up to 300%, which implies going from 12,000 to more than 36,000 residential clients.
The announcement was made during the "Perú Energía Sur", an event held in Arequipa and where Petroperú's Gas corporate manager, Luis Gonzales Talledo, reported that this will be possible thanks to a budget of 173 million soles, coming mainly from the Social Energy Inclusion Fund (FISE) and the Con Punche Perú plan.
The official maintained that additionally the networks will be increased from 400 to 700 km, promoting access to this safe, clean and economical energy for commerce and industry.
To this end, Petroperú and MINEM signed a specific investment agreement that establishes that the Ministry of Energy and Mines will be in charge of executing the investment in the construction of gas networks through specialized companies. Simultaneously, the state oil company will play a crucial role in the supervision of these works and their subsequent authorization and incorporation into the southwest distribution system.
Likewise, Petroperú will be in charge of the design and sizing of networks, technical specifications, cartography, archaeological supervision and potential client survey.
It was also highlighted that the internal connections built by the former concessionaire will be put into operation, which was not done by them before due to their untimely departure, estimating that at least 400 new homes will be connected thanks to it.
Special order extension
On the other hand, Gonzales Talledo highlighted that, since December 2020, Petroperú has maintained the continuity of gas service for 34 months, without interruptions, guaranteeing quality and safety for the beneficiary families, businesses and industries.
It should be noted that recently MINEM renewed its trust in Petroperú, through DS 019-2023-EM, extending the order until December 2026.
Along these lines, he ratified Petroperú's commitment to continue contributing to the economic development of the regions of southwestern Peru and improving the quality of life of its inhabitants.