PETROPERÚ and its cultural commitment for November

Cultural activities continue in PETROPERÚ during this month and, this time, new events and permanent cycles of exhibitions related to the commemoration of the national bicentennial are included.
Next Tuesday the 9th, at noon, the cycle “Diálogos Internacionales Copé” ("Copé International Dialogues") will continue, dedicated to Peruvian storytelling and to the guest country, Mexico. There will be the participation of distinguished exponents of the literature of that country who will dialogue with the Peruvian narrator and writer Miguel Ruiz Effio, winner of the 2020 Copé Story Award.
The next day, Wednesday the 10th, from 6 p.m., there will be a cycle around the recent historical exhibition “Huauque. Símbolos del poder en el antiguo Perú” (“Huauque. Symbols of power in ancient Peru”). These will be carried out by specialists on the history and archeology of our country.
On Thursday 11 there will be two activities: the first will be the awarding of the Hubert Lanssiers Poetry Competition, aimed at inmates of the country's prisons and sponsored by PETROPERÚ together with entities such as ICPNA, the Belgian embassy, the BBVA Foundation, among others.
That same day, at 5 pm, the winner of the 2020 Copé Story Award, Miguel Ruiz Effio, will be in charge of a talk addressed to students of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, within the framework of the presentation of the winning works and finalists of the last edition of the short story contest, organized by PETROPERÚ.
And like every Friday, the “Copersaciones de Oro” (“Gold Copersations”) program continues, dedicated to the winners of the Copé Poetry Award. This month the poets Rocío Castro Morgado, Boris Espezúa Salmón, Darwin Bedoya, Leoncio Luque, Antonio Sarmiento and Marco Antonio Quijano will participate. Each session starts at 11 a.m.
Likewise, continuing with the permanent exhibitions, the dissemination of the exhibitions continues: “Ojos de la Amazonía”, “Héroes y heroínas de la peruanidad” and “Huauque. Símbolos del poder en el antiguo Perú”, via the website
Access to the various activities is free and published on the Facebook Live of the PETROPERÚ Cultural Center and on the website