PETROPERU again at the Huancayo Book Fair

PETROPERU's cultural activities in 2021 begin with the presence of the state oil company at the Huancayo International Book Fair (FELIZH), which for the first time will be held virtually and where the guest of honor will be the Nobel Prize for Literature, Mario Vargas Llosa.
The day will start this Thursday 18, from 5 p.m. with the presence of David Quichua Chaico, Copé Essay Prize 2020, who will talk about his winning essay of the 2020 Copé: “De curaca a congresista. Vigencia de una familia indígena en la política nacional” with the writer and researcher Rosalí León Ciliotta, from Barcelona, the city where she resides.
On Friday, February 26 at 6 pm, this important day will continue with the conversation between the writer and editor Miguel Ruiz Effio, winner of the Gold Copé for his story "El dedo en el disparador" and Rocío Uchofen, writer and cultural manager based in New York.
Both activities will be transmitted through the virtual platform of the Book Fair and through the Facebook live of the PETROPERU Cultural Center, completely free of charge.
It should be noted that these works, awarded at their opportunity in a public and virtual ceremony, will be published next April, through the PETROPERU Ediciones Copé label.
The participation of the state oil company in this new version of the fair reinforces its permanent commitment to support the promotion of books, the strengthening of literary creation and the development of reading among all Peruvians.