Petroperú achieves a positive EBITDA in January 2024

With the entry into full operation of the New Talara Refinery (NRT), Petroperú obtained a positive EBITDA of USD 29 million in the month of January 2024, supported by an increase in sales in the domestic market, lower purchase costs, mainly raw materials (crude); which explains a significant improvement in gross profit, in line with expected projections.
This is possible because the NRT has a profitability three times higher than that of the previous plant and the most advanced technology in oil refining, which allows very low value inputs to be processed to obtain fuels of very high value and quality.
Additionally, the NRT has a processing capacity of 95 thousand barrels per day, unlike the previous refinery that could process 65 thousand barrels.
It is worth remembering that the previous refinery stopped operating more than three years ago, so Petroperú lost a fundamental source of income, becoming a net importer of fuels that faced new global competitors.
By returning last December to refining with its own production in the NRT, the Company begins to recover income that will allow it to begin a transition stage during this year towards its full recovery, expecting a positive EBIDTA in 2024 and profits for the year 2025.
At the same time, these results are consistent with the progress in the application of the Company's Restructuring Plan, approved by the Board of Directors in July 2023 and reported to the General Meeting of Shareholders.