Peruvian cocoa wins co-financing from competition funds

Petroperú continues to support the Ikam Kuitamat Association, whose name means "let's conserve our forests", which seeks to promote the development and strengthening of the cocoa value chain and thus contribute to improving the quality of life of the population of nearby communities. to the North Peruvian Oil Pipeline (ONP).
This permanent support bore fruit, as this association was the winner of the Procompite Joven competition funds, from the Regional Government of Amazonas, an organization that promotes entrepreneurship initiatives in the area and which - in this case - will co-finance the business plan presented by the association.
The business plan was called “Improvement of the process of joint marketing of cocoa beans in the Association of Sustainable Producers Ikam Kuitamat, Najaim Paraíso, Nueva Unida, Tayuntsa, and Alto Pajakuts communities, district of Nieva Province of Condorcanqui, Amazonas Region.” Its main objective is to improve the conditions and capacity of collection and post-harvest to access new and better market niches, through joint marketing.
The execution of the winning business plan, started a month ago, will last six months and includes the implementation of a cocoa bean collection center, fermentation boxes and a cocoa drying beach.
Additionally, investments are planned to improve the operational capacity of the producer organization with the acquisition of a van, cocoa bean quality determination equipment, as well as permanent assistance in the bean post-harvest chain.
With the implementation of the business plan, it will be possible, among others, to collect greater volumes of product that will make it possible to improve the negotiation capacity when marketing the grain. In addition, during the investment and implementation process, Petroperú will accompany, advise and coordinate with the Regional Government of Amazonas for its adequate and efficient execution.
Thus, the cycle of the production chain is completed and added value is given to the product, from selective harvesting, post-harvest and, finally, the production of cocoa paste and its derivatives for the most demanding cocoa markets.