Oxygen plant donated by PETROPERU arrived in Saramiriza

After an extensive journey and after overcoming the obstacles of nature that interrupted the road due to the fall of bridges and landslides of mud and stones, caused by the torrential rains that were registered in the area, the Medicinal Oxygen Plant that PETROPERU will donate in favor of the Loreto Region and will deliver to the administration of DIRESA Loreto arrived at Saramiriza, Datem del Marañón Province, thus adding to the effort of the health system to face the health emergency due to Covid-19.
It will then proceed to be installed and tested, to leave it ready to start its operation. It is estimated that this will take between two to three days, to be operational and begin to meet the demand for medicinal oxygen in the area.
The plant will be under the administration of the DIRESA of Loreto, who will determine the care procedure, according to health protocols. In addition, it will be in charge of assigning specialized personnel for its operation.
Additionally, PETROPERU donated 30 oxygen cylinders of 10 m3 each.
For its part, the District Municipality of Manseriche, gave the premises for its installation, thus adding to the actions in favor of its population.
This donation is another of PETROPERU's commitments in favor of the communities in the area of influence of its Operations, as dictated by its Social Management Policy.