Outstanding participation of Petroperú in the International Book Fair 2023

Petroperú had an active participation in the most recent edition of the Lima International Book Fair (FIL Lima 2023). With a stand for the sale of their publications, schedule of activities and various keynote speeches, given by renowned literary critics, they captured the interest of the public at the fairgrounds.
“Días de prueba esperando a Paradise y las obras ganadores y finalistas del Premio Copé de Cuento 2022” was one of the works that -under the Copé Ediciones seal- was presented with great interest. The book brings together 17 stories by writers David del Águila, Christian Elguera, Reynaldo Santa Cruz, Gerardo Figueroa, Luis Augusto, Rossana Sala, Luis Freire Sarria, Bryan Balvin, Sophia Gómez, Jhemy Tineo, Pablo Chacón, Javier Mariscal, Alan Luna, Oswaldo Carbonel, Regina Limo and Rosa Salazar. The prologue of the book was in charge of Carla Sagástegui.
David Del Águila, Christian Elguera, Reynaldo Santa Cruz, as well as the outstanding researcher and writer Rocío Quispe-Agnoli participated in the conversation around this book.
Likewise, the 2022 Copé Oro Essay Award, entitled “Un mundo precario. Ensayo sobre la obra y la escritura de Franz Kafka”, by Jorge Valenzuela Garcés, was one of the central points on the agenda. In a dialogue that attracted the presence of visitors to the fair, the author of the book, Jorge Valenzuela Garcés, and the prominent writer Carmen Ollé, analyzed Franz Kafka, reaffirming himself as one of the most influential writers in universal literature.
The prominent poet, teacher and literary critic Ricardo González Vigil also intervened in these activities of the state oil company through the keynote address " César Vallejo: cincuentenario de Contra el secreto profesional", considered Vallejo's greatest contribution to avant-garde narrative.
Petroperú's participation in FIL Lima 2023 was carried out within the framework of its 54th institutional anniversary and 44 years of creation of the Copé Award. On this occasion, the editorial offer at the Ediciones Copé stand had fair prices on all its titles, offering offers on book packs and the exhibition of various historical, art and literature publications. Likewise, information was provided on the current call for the Copé Award, which this year invites all writers to participate in the poetry and novel categories, until Friday, September 1. More information in:
Among the works that could be acquired by the visitor, the complete works of César Vallejo stood out; History of Ancient Peru, by Luis E. Valcárcel; the Amazonas Ruta Milenaria series and the latest winning works in the poetry, novel, essay and short story categories of the Copé, among others.
In this way, the presence of Petroperú in one of the main cultural events in the country was reflected once again, as part of the permanent commitment and promotion of literary creation, as well as the dissemination of books and reading, within the framework of its Policy Cultural.
It should be noted that the winning works of the Copé Award as well as others from the Company's publishing label are available to the public freely and digitally in the Petroperú Virtual Library.