Operation of Station 1 of North Peruvian Pipeline resumes

Yesterday, Tuesday, October 22, at approximately 4:00 p.m., the operation of Station 1 of the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP) was restarted, after signing an act between the Saramuro Defense Front (FREDESA) and representatives of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Office of the Ombudsman and the Second Provincial Prosecutor for the Prevention of Crime of Loreto, among others, through which the delivery of this facility to PETROPERU and the restart of its operations were agreed.
As will be recalled, the activities of Station 1 of the ONP were paralyzed on October 11. The causes of this unfortunate measure of strength by the community of Saramuro were totally foreign to the company.
PETROPERU reiterates its invocation so that dialogue and negotiations take place in a climate of social peace and within the framework of the law and the rule of law, for the benefit of the country.