Occupants of Station 5 carry out their threat and attack PETROPERÚ's assets

PETROPERÚ addresses the public opinion to report the following:
- Last night, the group of native inhabitants that maintains control of Station 5 set fire to a vehicle owned by PETROPERÚ inside the industrial facility, thus fulfilling the threat of radicalizing their measures of protest, as publicly announced by their leaders and advisers. FENARA (Awajún Native Federation of the Apaga River) and PAAP (Peoples Affected by Petroleum Activity). Additionally, they have expressed their intentions to remove all equipment and belongings from the aforementioned Station.
- This situation, which we publicly warned of on November 1, is extremely worrying as it can cause tragedies that we do not want, affecting the integrity of the occupants themselves, where children are also present, as well as the residents of the Félix Flores village, very close to Station 5.
- We reiterate that since October 4, we do not have control of our facilities, a situation that prevents us from acting immediately in the event of an emergency or accident, so we disclaim any responsibility for what the occupants and their leaders may continue to cause.
- It should be remembered that it is an industrial area where there crude oil is stored along with other combustion elements that together with the fire can produce an explosion of great proportions with consequences that could be very regrettable and tragic.
- Likewise, as we have repeatedly warned in all our communications, the protesters also do not respect the biosecurity protocols against COVID-19, exposing themselves to an outbreak of this deadly disease.
- PETROPERÚ, repeats its call to dialogue between the parties and calls on the leaders and advisers of these indigenous organizations to put down their radical measures, remain calm and demonstrate their willingness to dialogue with government entities.