Novel and poetry workshops in PETROPERU had great attendance

Within the framework of its Cultural Policy, PETROPERU is developing two literary workshops with great public participation, one dedicated to novels and the other to poetry. The first, "An Approach to the Composition of Novels" began on April 9 in the Auditorium of the Cultural Center and is in charge of the writer Percy Galindo Rojas who was the winner of the gold trophy in the First Novel Biennial of the Copé Awards with his novel "Como los verdaderos héroes". While the second, called "Un Iceberg Llamado Poesía" began on April 10 in the Conference Room of the Cultural Center is led by poet Óscar Limache Ruiz, who was the winner of the 4th Copé Awards Poetry Biennial with "Viaje a la lengua del puercoespín".

Óscar Limache Ruiz
Percy Galindo thanked the management of state institutions such as PETROPERU in the sponsorship of cultural events. In addition, he added that this type of activities motivate literary creation in our country. He also stressed that the Copé Prize is one of the most important in contemporary history and has helped many writers, giving them an opportunity for their works to be published, which is the wish of every creator.
For his part, Óscar Limache recalled that he could not have published his writings but had been thanks to the Copé Award, which allowed him to distribute his work in the country. In addition, he stressed that the Copé is one of the prizes that has awarded more to authors from different regions of the country.
Both thanked the cultural management of PETROPERU, which is not limited to the promotion of literary creation but also to the dissemination of the winning books of the contest and those of the Copé publishing label to the libraries of cities such as Lima, Talara, Iquitos, Ilo and Pucallpa, among others.
Both literary workshops will continue on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the month of April. This activity is part of the PETROPERU Cultural Policy that declares culture as one of the most important factors for the country to achieve full and sustainable development, and equal opportunities for all its citizens.