No "Letter of Liberation" is necessary to apply to calls of the PMRT

Before the journalistic versions on the system of hiring local personnel in the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT), PETROPERU addresses the public opinion to make the following clarifications:
- The staff that has previously worked in the PMRT works can continue to participate in the labor calls, for which it is not necessary to present a document that certifies the labor separation with a previous employer or the so-called "Letter of Liberation", as is being wrongly reported.
- The subcontractors and contractors are in charge of processing the photocheck of the selected personnel in the Passage Office of PETROPERU, where the presented information will be validated and will proceed to issue the new photochecks.
- In the event that a worker has delivered his photocheck to his previous employer and he did not comply with returning it to PETROPERÚ, as is appropriate, he should only fill out an Affidavit, whose format may be requested at the Office of Information and Citizen Participation (OIPC), located on Av. C S/N in front of the PETROPERU Social Club.
- The interested parties are reminded that the ICPO has specialized personnel to guide, clarify doubts and address complaints, suggestions and complaints related to the execution of the PMRT, which provides attention from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- In addition, the ICPO transmits live the sessions of the Local Committee, in which the pre-selection process is carried out transparently; and keeps the community informed about the execution of the PMRT and its main activities, through the following communication channels: Helpline (073) 381607; website; fanpage @OIPCinforma and the radio program "OIPC informa" that is transmitted through Radio Marilú (103.5 FM), from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 11:00.