New Talara Refinery has over 37% of work done

The construction of the New Talara Refinery continues progressing as it was stablished. So far, it has a 37.28% of work done, a percentage barely over the required for this period.
About 3,002 Talara people work on the execution of the Talara Refinery Modernisation Project (TRMP) in which 96% are non qualified workers and 31% are qualified workers. The percentages are extensively higher than what was stablished by the Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIA) of the TRMP.
According to the estimated number of hired workers for this year, the month of September would be the peak with approximately 4,500 people, between a higher percentage of qualified workers and non qualified workers as support.
The Local Committee of the Community Management Plan of the EIA, led by the Mayor and representatives of civil society, permanently work to guarantee the fulfilment of the stablished percentages in the EIA on the hiring of workers.