
New Talara Refinery began gradual and progressive start-up tests

The modern PETROPERÚ complex marks a milestone in the hydrocarbon industry in the country. The Head of State, Pedro Castillo and the President of PETROPERÚ, Humberto Campodónico, participated in the session in which the operations began
New Talara Refinery began gradual and progressive start-up tests

PETROPERÚ began the gradual and progressive start-up tests of the New Talara Refinery, a modern industrial complex that will mark a new era in the development and processing of hydrocarbons in the country, by having the most advanced technologies in the world to produce clean and high-quality fuels. optimum quality.

The order to start the start-up tests of the New Talara Refinery was given by the President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo Terrones, in a ceremony held at the facilities of this modern refining complex, the seventh in the world to have the technology called Flexicoking, which allows the conversion of residual crude oil to products of higher commercial value such as diesel, gasoline and LPG.

The president, who was accompanied by the President of the Council of Ministers, Aníbal Torres Vásquez, as well as the head of the Energy and Mines portfolio, Carlos Palacios Pérez, and the President of the Board of Directors of PETROPERÚ, Humberto Campodónico Sánchez, among other State officials, visited the facilities of the new refinery, where he highlighted the technology and international experience of the personnel in charge of the start-up tests.

During the emotional start-up test ceremony, Castillo Terrones said that today is a very important day for our hydrocarbon industry and for the national economy. He also indicated that he is willing to bet on the strengthening of PETROPERÚ and the hydrocarbon sector.

"This refinery is one of the most important infrastructures in the country and right now it is more important to affirm the sovereignty of our natural resources," said the president.

For his part, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PETROPERÚ, Humberto Campodónico Sánchez, indicated that with this milestone “the countdown begins to start up, soon, one of the most modern and advanced refineries in this part of the world, which will have a strategic value for the development and relaunch of the oil industry in the north of the country”.

Campodónico Sánchez recalled that the new refinery is financed with its own resources and without using public funds. Likewise, he highlighted the importance that PETROPERÚ re-operate the oil lots in the north of the country, the main source of raw material for the New Talara Refinery, which will allow for a greater profit margin that will allow it to continue supplying the country with clean and quality fuels. at the most competitive prices, for the benefit of all Peruvians.

In his speech, the head of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Carlos Palacios Pérez, recalled what happened in 1968, the year in which PETROPERÚ was created, a company that contributes to the country's energy security. "Today is a historic day for the country, as the New Talara Refinery will start up, which will process 95,000 barrels of crude," he said.

Juan Lladó Arburúa, President of Técnicas Reunidas, indicated that the New Talara Refinery is the most modern they have built in Latin America because “it is very complete and sophisticated. We are very proud to have participated in this project.” Técnicas Reunidas was in charge of the construction of the Process Units and is currently in charge of the start-up tests, together with PETROPERÚ personnel.

During the gradual and progressive start-up tests, interconnections and systems required for the commissioning of 7,000 pieces of equipment and 35,000 instruments will be carried out, involved in this complex start-up process that will last a minimum of six months, until stabilization and commissioning are achieved. of the New Talara Refinery.

Specialized personnel with international experience from PETROPERÚ and from the main contractors, such as Técnicas Reunidas and Cobra, participate in this process, led by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Técnicas Reunidas, Juan Lladó, and the Senior Manager of Cobra Group, José Antonio Fernández, who came to Talara to expressly participate in this event.

Similarly, the licensors of each technology participated, including the companies ExxonMobil, Honeywell UOP, Axens and Haldor Topsoe, among others, which will provide proof of the guarantees for the licensed processes.

PETROPERÚ's new refining complex, which replaces the emblematic Talara Refinery and its more than 100 years of history, has 16 process units and five packages of auxiliary units and complementary services, two liquid loading docks and 21 new storage storage tanks, being one of the most modern deep conversion refineries on the South Pacific coast.

Strategic for the country

The New Talara Refinery has a strategic role for Peru since it will contribute to guaranteeing fuel supply at the national level and will reinforce the country's energy security; thanks to the increase in processing capacity to 95 thousand barrels per day, compared to the 65 thousand barrels per day of the old plant.

The PETROPERÚ refining complex will produce fuels with up to 50 parts per million (ppm) of sulfur that will help preserve air quality and the health of Peruvians.

It will also contribute to strengthening the hydrocarbon industry, as it will process heavy crude oil, with benefits for health and the environment, since air quality will be preserved and improved, generating a significant decrease in citizens' spending on respiratory diseases.