New managers with extensive experience in the hydrocarbons sector are appointed in PETROPERÚ

Regarding the institutional strengthening policy that the current PETROPERÚ management has been implementing, the following is informed to public opinion:
- The PETROPERÚ Board of Directors, in its extraordinary session on October 14, 2021, has appointed eleven professionals in the managements that make up its organizational structure, as well as its team of advisers.
- Of the officials who have been appointed to such positions, six of them have an average of more than 20 years of experience in PETROPERÚ with a career line and four of them are former officials who return to contribute to the recovery of the Company, having the experience and the appropriate profile to competently perform their duties as of October 15, 2021.
- This decision is based on the strategies that the current Board of Directors and the Administration of PETROPERÚ have been adopting to speed up the fulfillment of the main institutional objectives, such as completing the new Talara Refinery in the shortest possible time and regain leadership in the hydrocarbons market, as well as its mission to supply fuel to the entire national territory.