Neighbors of Villa El Salvador participated in beach clean-up

More than eighty volunteers, mostly neighbors of Villa El Salvador (VES) and close to our Conchán Refinery, participated on the last Sunday of a clean-up day at San Pedro beach, in Lurín, whose objective was to raise awareness among the population about the generation of solid waste and its impact on the sustainable care of the environment and the marine ecosystem.
This activity was coordinated jointly by PETROPERU, the Voluntary Socio-Environmental Monitoring Committee and the Futuro Sostenible NGO. We also enjoyed the advice of the Hazla por tu Playa Association, a national benchmark in terms of beach cleanups and environmental protection.
It should be noted that this initiative was led by the Voluntary Socio-environmental Monitoring Committee, a group promoted by PETROPERU, as well as by the interest of the residents of VES, who are committed to an active and participatory citizenship in the environmental problems that affect the community.
Among the volunteers, the students from the fifth year of high school from Jesús de Nazareth and Max Uhle schools from VES, who during the whole day showed their enthusiasm and willingness to contribute to this cleanup, managed to collect 456 kilos of waste, mostly plastics, and whose transfer and final disposal was in charge of the Municipality of Lurín.
The staff of the Lurín Volunteer Fire Company also supported this activity, since their presence allowed for the health and safety of the participants.
With the execution of these activities, PETROPERU seeks to strengthen the mechanisms of citizen participation to motivate the respect and care of the environment among the neighbors close to its facilities.