
Neighbors of Villa El Salvador and Lurin receive training to start their own businesses

Hundreds of neighbors benefit from PETROPERU’s technical training courses.
Neighbors of Villa El Salvador and Lurin receive training to start their own businesses

More than 600 residents of Villa El Salvador (VES) and Lurín, near the Conchán Refinery, of PETROPERU, were trained during three months in technical training courses that allowed them to obtain the necessary knowledge to work in high demand trades in the market , and even to start their own businesses.

Magdalena Anchaihua

Through a strategic alliance between PETROPERU and the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima (MML), pastry, gastronomy, cosmetology, barbering, textile manufacturing and metalwork workshops were carried out. In addition, each of the courses was complemented with a business management training so that participants are trained to start their own business, which has been achieved successfully in several cases.

Magdalena Anchaihua represents one of these success stories. She enrolled in the metallic carpentry workshop. Thanks to this, he perfected his knowledge and now devotes herself to elaborate Christmas ornaments made with metal rods, which have had enough acceptance during these festive dates.

Likewise, the young mother Ivone Gonzáles has already created her own t-shirt brand for girls. She tells us that she started making simple clothes for her little ones, but then she wanted to perfect herself and, with the support of her family, she was able to attend classes and become a brand new small business owner.

Along with them there are several examples of entrepreneurial neighbors who have already formalized and launched their own businesses. Thus, there are various undertakings in the manufacture of children's clothing, beach t-shirts and blouses, making pies, truffles, cupcakes and apple pies, among other desserts. It is important to note that these products have been offered at various fairs in Lima.

To carry out this training program, which ended in December, PETROPERU provided the equipment and courses provided by the Center for Vocational Training and Research, Innovation and Development (IDDEPRO), while MML offered the facilities and logistical support of its Center. of Business Development Oasis Headquarters in VES.

The closing ceremony of this technical training program was in charge of the Chief of Operations of the Conchán Refinery, Renzo Higa, and the Deputy Manager of Labor and Employment Promotion of the MML, Marco Barboza.

