Neighbors of Satellite City benefit from free medical session

Petroperú held its fifth free medical campaign in the Satellite City - Talara, benefiting residents of the Enace, Sacopsa and Negreiros urbanizations. The medical session was held in the premises of the Ministry of Health (MINSA) of Enace and attended to approximately 500 people, who were mostly children and the elderly.
The patients received attention in the specialties of: general medicine, pediatrics, ophthalmology, odontology, psychology, obstetrics and laboratory, in addition they were given medicines free of charge.
During the year 2018, Petroperu has carried out five medical campaigns in different parts of the city, benefiting the residents of the center, north cone, south cone and satellite city, benefiting more than 3500 Talara locals.
This important initiative that benefits low income families from Talara is part of the Social Responsibility program of the state company that is committed to a better quality of life for the residents of the oil city.