
National Culture Award for Germán Belli, considered the most important living poet of peruvian letters

The highest award granted by the State on this field is a sponsored by the fifth year in a row by PETROPERU.
National Culture Award for Germán Belli, considered the most important living poet of peruvian letters
  • Member of the Generation of the 50s, has set an essential poetic trajectory in Hispanic letters.
  • The highest award granted by the State on this field is sponsored by the fifth year in a row by PETROPERU.
  • The special Ceremony will take place on Monday November 28 in the Gran Teatro Nacional.

Everything is set for the presentation of the National Culture Award (PNC), considered the highest award of the country, as it acknowledges the cultural management and development of people and institutions in favor of society. As in previous years, PETROPERU sponsors this magnificent award, which is presented in three categories: Trajectory, Creativity and Good Institutional Practices. The event is organized by the Ministry of Culture.

In this opportunity, the jury awarded the renowned poet Carlos Germán Belli with the 2016 PNC inthe cathegory Trajectory for his originality, of which he has shown proof throughout I reach body of work which combines the intensity of Surrealism and the elegance of the Century of Gold. The jury that awarded him the PNC was composed of Carlos Alberto García Bedoya, Marcela Robles, Mirko Lauer, Jorge Talavera and Ricardo Silva-Santisteban.

Meanwhile, the teacher Ricardo Dolorier Urbano won the award in the category Creativity, for “having demonstrated great creativity work by rescuing oral traditions in the teaching of reading both for children and adults, which makes the method that takes his name a powerful and inclusive tool for the intercultural development of our country”. The jury that selected Dolorier was composed of the writers Luz Guerrero, Ana María Denegri, Carmen Rosa Ollé, Mónica Bonifaz and Alejandro Rodríguez.

Similarly, the price was awarded in the category Good Institutional Practices to the Augusto N. Wiese Foundation, that works on the rescue and conservation of archaeological patrimony, specially on the La Libertad region with the El Brujo Archaeological Complex and the Cao Museum. There jury was composed of Baltazar Caravedo Molinari, Víctor Krebs Pacussich, Gonzalo Zegarra Mulanovich, Carlos Meléndez Guerrero and Beatriz Merino Lucero.

The award, which will be presented in a special ceremony this coming November 28, acknowledges the persons and institutions was work and support of the Peruvian and universal art and culture are next ample for future generations.